IPA Promoting the child's right to play | http://www.ipaworld.org | |
Study of adventure playgrounds and city farms in Europe and what they contribute to sustainable urban development | http://www.bdja.org/ oli/ index.html | |
Lectures and documentation from the conference: Adventure playgrounds and City Farms for the 21st Century [Berlin 1999] | http://www.bdja.org/ anima.htm | |
Canada's Office of Urban Agriculture: Rediscovering the Animation Playground | http://www.cityfarmer.org/ AnimationPlayground.html | |
AKiB | A federation of adventure playgrounds and children's farms in Berlin | http://www.akib.de/ english/ english.htm |
BDJA | Association of adventure playgrounds and city farms in Germany | http://www.bdja.org/ english.htm |
IPA Japan | Japan's international play association | http://www.ipa-japan.org |
Speux | Speux is the union of adventure playgrounds and children's programs. | http://www.speux.ch |
Robi-Spiel Aktionen | A Swiss organization of adventure playgrounds in Basel | http://www.robi-spiel-aktionen.ch |
Kidsactive | (formerly HAPA: Handicapped Adventure Playground Association) | http://www.kidsactive.org.uk/ |
London Play | "for every child in London to have high-quality, accessible, and inclusive play opportunities." | http://www.londonplay.org.uk |
Playlink | Playlink supports local groups in creating play opportunities for young people. | http://www.playlink.org.uk/ |
Fairplay | Promoting the child's right to play | http://www.arunet.co.uk/ fairplay/ home.htm |
Projects for Public Spaces | Dedicated to creating and sustaining public places that build communities | http://www.pps.org |
Children's Environments Research Group | Provides a link between research and design, policy, and programs that improve environments for children | http://web.gc.cuny.edu/ che/ cerg/ |
Natural Learning Initiative | Promotes the importance of the natural environments for children | http://www.naturalearning.org |
Adventure Playground in Berkeley, California | Open year-round | http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/ marina/ marinaexp/ adventplgd.html |
Adventure Playground in Huntington Beach, California | Open summers | http://www.ci.huntington-beach.ca.us/ CityDepartments/ comm_services/facilities/ Huntington_Central_Park/ Adventure_Playground.cfm |
Adventure Playground in Irvine, California | Open year-round | http://www.ci.irvine.ca.us/ depts/ cs/ commparks/ specialfac/ adventure_playground.asp |